Matchmaking process for NGL community members

From joining NGL to becoming an advisor in a startup.

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Event and networking

At each event, at least 4 startups will present their needs for individual advisors or advisory boards. All the events are professionally filmed and broadcasted.

Following the presentations, there will be networking time, allowing you to speak directly with startup founders, ask questions about their challenges, and understand what they are looking for in an advisor.

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After the event

NGL sends a video link to the event along with a brief description of each advisory role.

If any advisory positions interest you, please let us know. Write to NGL expressing your interest, including 1-2 sentences about why the position is interesting to you and highlighting your relevant experience.

If additional information is needed, we will contact you via email or schedule a short meeting.

We will forward your application, along with additional information, to the startup and aim to organize a first meeting within approximately one week.

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First interview

This initial meeting is all about getting to know each other. Share your experience and any connections you have to the startup’s field. Provide examples from your practice related to the issues the startup is facing.

Understand the startup’s expectations, goals, and what type of remuneration they are considering (salary, options plan, success fee) as well as the expected time commitment.

After this discussion, either the startup founder or NGL team member will reach out to you. If there is a potential match from both sides, you can agree to proceed with a second interview.

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Second interview

In the second interview, explore specific ways of involvement and clarify expectations for the role.

Discuss the details of the future contract, including time commitment, contract duration, remuneration, and any other relevant terms.

This conversation aims to ensure alignment and mutual understanding before moving forward with formal agreements.

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Making a decision

If there is alignment and mutual understanding of the contract details, it’s time to make a decision. Both the startup and the advisor should determine if this is a good match.

Typically, the startup will reach out to the advisor with a proposal to join their team. Keep in mind, there is usually a 3-month cliff period. This period ensures that if communication issues arise early on, there is an opportunity to terminate the contract accordingly.

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Signing the contract

NGL facilitates reaching a final mutual agreement and prepares the contract.

If requested, NGL can guide the initial strategy session between the startup and the advisory board, ensuring a productive and collaborative start to their partnership. Additional costs apply.